Short Easy Skit the Burning Bush Pre Schoolers
Sunday School Lesson
Moses and the Burning Bush
The Israelites cried out to God. God heard their cries and appeared to Moses through the burning bush. Kids re-tell the story with the help of Emojis, and bring home a flickering LED burning bush craft to remind them that God knows and cares about them too! Use this lesson to teach kids that they should talk to God about their problems, because God cares about them.
Lesson Overview
Prepare kids for an exciting
learning journey.
Hot and Cold
Play a Hot and Cold Game to get kids ready for the lesson on Moses and the Burning Bush.
Show kids a video on the
Bible story.
Moses and the Burning Bush
Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 2-3), by Saddleback Kids
Help kids remember the
Bible story.
Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story
Kids arrange 20 Emojis in sequence, then use them as prompts to re-tell the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.
Help kids grasp
the big idea.
Burning Bush Craft
Use this Burning Bush Craft to remind kids that God knows and cares about His people.
Help kids live out
the big idea.
Broken Telephone Game
Teach kids to cast their anxiety on God because God cares about them!
Send kids home with a concrete action plan and fun midweek activities.
Hello, Are You There, God?
Help kids connect with God in prayer.
Big Idea
God knows and cares about His people.
Key Verse
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Live it Out
We should talk to God about our problems because He cares for us.
This Sunday School Lesson requires some advance preparation. For a consolidated summary of preparation, supplies and free printables required, please scroll to the bottom of this lesson.
1. Get Them Curious – Hot and Cold
Remember to prepare an object to hide.
Show the class the object that you will be hiding in this game.
You can use lollipops (so the person who finds it gets to eat it) or anything silly, like a funny toy or a roll of toilet paper.
Have a volunteer leave the room.
Have another child hide the object in the room.
Have the volunteer return to the room and try to find the hidden object.
Everyone else must say "hot" if the volunteer is near the hidden object, or "cold" if the volunteer is far from it.
As the volunteer walks around the room, everyone must say "hotter" if the volunteer is getting closer to the hidden object, or "colder" if getting further.
(You can say "very hot" if they are very close to the object.)
Do this until the volunteer finds the hidden object.
Play as many rounds as you like.
Discuss: Can anyone guess the title of today's Bible story?
Say: Let's watch a video on Moses and the Burning Bush.
Pray: Dear God, thank you for our game of Hot and Cold! Please help us learn what this game has to do with today's lesson and teach us how you want us to live it out! In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
2. Screen Time – Moses and the Burning Bush
This is our favorite YouTube video on Moses and the Burning Bush:
Before you begin, tell the children to pay attention to the various events in the story.
3. Make it Stick – Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story
Remember to download Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Printable, Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Prompts, and Slide 2 (Solution).
For Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Printable, you will need to print 1 copy for each group of kids.
Discuss: What Bible story did we just watch?
Show Slide 1 (Sunday School Lesson Title & Bible Reference):
For older kids, you may like to have them open their Bibles to today's passage.
Say: Let's see if we can use Emojis to help us re-tell the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.
Divide into small groups.
(We suggest a group size of 3-5 kids. Groups can be larger, but smaller groups allow everyone to be involved.)
Give each group:
- Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Printable
- Scissors
- Re-stickable Glue Stick
Part 1 – Sequencing Emojis
Read out the story prompts, one at a time, from the Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Prompts you have downloaded.
(You can also show the story prompts on a screen.)
After reading each prompt, give kids some time discuss and look at the first page of their Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Printable:
They must choose 1 emoji that is most representative of that prompt.
Cut out that Emoji and paste it on the second page of their Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Printable:
For example:
- Prompt 1 says, "Moses was an Israelite baby boy born in Egypt."
- Kids look at all the emojis and decide to choose the baby emoji 👶
- They must cut out the baby emoji and paste it on the first square
(We recommend using re-stickable glue sticks so that kids can move the Emojis around if they change their minds later.)
Carry on until you have read out all 20 prompts, and kids have finished sticking all 20 emojis.
You may want to read out all 20 prompts one more time for kids to confirm their choices.
Finally, show Slide 2 (Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Solution):
Part 2 – Re-telling the Story
By now, the kids should be familiar with the 20 emojis and the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.
Continue showing Slide 2 (Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story Solution).
Starting with the first emoji, have each group take turns to re-tell (in their own words) the part of the story represented by each emoji.
4. Dig Deeper – Burning Bush Craft
Show kids a sample of the Moses and the Burning Bush Craft that you have made.
Tell kids they will be making their own Moses and the Burning Bush Craft.
You will need for each child:
- A transparent plastic cup
- Construction paper: Brown and 2 shades of green
- Scissors
- Glue
- Cellophane wrap: Red, orange, yellow (Crepe paper also works. Crepe paper is easier to work with, but the light effect is not as obvious.)
- 1 flickering LED tealight
To make the Moses and the Burning Bush Craft:
1. Cut the brown construction paper into the shape of a tree trunk with some branches.
2. Cut out leaves of various sizes with the green construction paper.
3. Paste the brown tree trunk and green leaves on the outside of the transparent plastic cup.
4. Cut out squares of red, orange and yellow cellophane wrap.
5. Stack the cellophane wrap like this:
The red square should be at the bottom, the orange square in the middle, and the yellow square at the top. Place the LED tealight on top.
6. Switch on the LED tealight.
7. Gather the cellophane wrap around the LED tealight and place the cellophane with the tealight inside the plastic cup.
Read Exodus 3:1-4
- What is so unusual about the burning bush?
Read Exodus 3:5-6
- What did God tell Moses about Himself?
- How did Moses respond to God?
Say: God is Holy and is worthy of our worship. He told Moses to remove his sandals in his presence – this is a show of respect and reverence for God. Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God.
Read Exodus 3:7-8
Discuss: What do these verses tell us about God?
- The Israelites are God's people. He is their God.
- God cares about the Israelites and has come to rescue them from Egypt and bring them to a good and spacious land.
- God knows and cares about His people.
Show Slide 3 (Big Idea):
Have everyone read the slide.
5. Walk the Talk – Broken Telephone Game
Remember to download and print 1 copy of Silly Rhymes Printable.
Divide children into teams of equal numbers.
Each team forms one line.
Stand a distance away from the teams.
For each round, have the first players from each team to come to you.
Whisper to these first players a silly rhyme.
These first players go back to their respective lines and whisper the silly rhyme to the next player in their team.
The second players then whisper the silly rhyme to the next player and so forth, until the last player hears the silly rhyme.
The last players then take turns to tell the class the silly rhyme that they heard.
Award 10 points to the team closest to your original silly rhyme.
Award 5 points to the next closest team.
You can play as many rounds as you like.
For each new round, move the last player to the front of the line.
At the end of the game, give a simple prize to the team with the highest points.
- Did the last player always get the correct silly rhyme whispered to them? Why or why not?
- In today's story, God told Moses that He heard the cries of the Israelites. Will God always hear our prayers? Tell us more.
- In this game, we were passing silly rhymes to each other.
- But in the case of the Israelites, they were in real distress, and they cried out to God about real problems they were facing.
- We, too, can cry out to God about our real problems.
- When we cry out to God, our messages will always get through to God 100% of the time! God will receive our intended messages even if we don't know exactly what to say.
Read Exodus 3:18-22
- What did God tell Moses to do?
- What did God say He will do?
- What do these tell us about God?
- God has the power to make Pharaoh release the Israelites from slavery.
- In the same way, God also has the power to help us with our problems!
Show Slide 4 (Key Verse):
Have everyone read the slide.
- What does it mean to cast our anxieties on God?
- How do we cast our anxieties on God?
- Why does the Bible tell us to cast our anxieties on God?
Say: The Bible tells us to talk to God about our problems because God cares about us!
Show Slide 5 (Live it Out):
Have everyone read the slide.
6. Take it Home – Hello, Are You There, God?
Say: Let's recall all that we have learned today. Can you remember the title of today's Bible Story?
Show Slide 1 again (Sunday School Lesson Title & Bible Reference):
Have everyone read the slide.
Say: Can you remember today's big idea?
Show Slide 3 again (Big Idea):
Have everyone read the slide.
Say: Can you remember today's key verse?
Show Slide 4 again (Key Verse):
Have everyone read the slide.
Say: How can we live out today's lesson?
Show Slide 5 again (Live it Out):
Have everyone read the slide.
If you have enough small group teachers or if your kids are old enough, break the class into small groups for the following discussion. Have each small group end their discussion with a prayer about their anxieties.
- What are some things that you are anxious about?
- What can we do about these things?
Give each child a copy of Moses and the Burning Bush Take it Home Handout.
- Let's write down some of the things you are anxious about in the Live it Out section on the first page. Then spend some time on your own talking to God about these things.
- The other pages are for you to do at home. Tell me next week about what you did at home!
Give everyone some time to write down their Live it Out action plan before ending the lesson with this closing prayer:
Pray: Dear Jesus, thank you for today's Bible lesson on Moses and the Burning Bush. Thank you that you knew and cared about the Israelites in today's Bible story. And thank you that you also know and care about us! Please help us talk to you about our problems because you care for us! Please help us overcome our anxieties. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
Lesson Preparation and Supplies
Here's a summary of all the preparation, supplies and free printables required for this lesson.
Prepare kids for an exciting
learning journey.
Hot and Cold
Play a Hot and Cold Game to get kids ready for the lesson on Moses and the Burning Bush.
Prepare an object to hide.
You can use lollipops (so the person who finds it gets to eat it) or anything silly, like a funny toy or a roll of toilet paper.
Show kids a video on the
Bible story.
Moses and the Burning Bush
Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 2-3), by Saddleback Kids
Ensure that you can play this YouTube video:
Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 2-3), by Saddleback Kids (Video URL:
Help kids remember the
Bible story.
Moses and the Burning Bush Emoji Story
Kids arrange 20 Emojis in sequence, then use them as prompts to re-tell the story of Moses and the Burning Bush.
Help kids grasp
the big idea.
Burning Bush Craft
Use this Burning Bush Craft to remind kids that God knows and cares about His people.
Make 1 Burning Bush Craft in advance.
(Follow the instructions in "Dig Deeper" section above.)
You will need to show kids your sample craft.
You will need for each child:
- A transparent plastic cup
- Construction paper: Brown and 2 shades of green
- Scissors
- Glue
- Cellophane wrap: Red, orange, yellow
- 1 flickering LED tealight
Download Slide 3 (Big Idea):
Help kids live out
the big idea .
Broken Telephone Game
Teach kids to cast their anxiety on God because God cares about them!
Download and print 1 copy of Silly Rhymes Printable.
Download Slide 4 (Key Verse):
Download Slide 5 (Live It Out):
Send kids home with a concrete action plan and fun midweek activities.
Hello, Are You There, God?
Help kids connect with God in prayer.
Download Moses and the Burning Bush Take it Home Handout. You will need to print 1 copy for each child.
It would be good to tell parents about the Take it Home Handout. Encourage them to do the suggested family activity with their child.
1 thought on "Moses and the Burning Bush"
This is SO creative, SO interesting, yet SO deep! I love it!! Thank you so much! Keep up the good work!